Questions about Plastidip

I have an older wagon, Most of the paint is in bad shape, as well as all the black trim pieces are looking pretty dull too. I recently had a buddy plastidip his rims and taillights, and it ended up looking pretty good.

Anyone have opinions on plastidiping exterior parts of your car? or the whole car maybe?


  • AbideAbide Council Member
    i did all the black trim 2 years ago. It looks good and has held up well on the rear bumper, side moldings and such. no so much on the lower rocker panel covers or front bumper, likely due to rallyxing.
  • Abide wrote: »
    i did all the black trim 2 years ago. It looks good and has held up well on the rear bumper, side moldings and such. no so much on the lower rocker panel covers or front bumper, likely due to rallyxing.

    Did you use any primer or like a clearcoat ontop? or just the plastidip by itself?
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    in for feedback and pics if anyones gotm!
  • AbideAbide Council Member
    you really just need a nice clean surface and either remove your masking carefully before the dip is dry or wait for a full cure then razor and peel it off carefully. good luck loading all my pics haha.
  • Thanks Abide,
    I think I'm going to be working on some pieces this weekend, I'll be sure to post some pictures.
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    My buddy plasti dipped his wagon and looks really good. 421.jpg
  • ChaseChase Wagonist
    WHat do you mean by plasti dipped his tail light? lol Idk Im used the stuff and I would rather go for a new paintjob but if its the cheaper option than go for it! its not horrible but sometimes the smaller spots SUCK to get rubbed off.... ohh that sounded dirty.
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    thats the entire angle with plasti dip you can paint our car like 3 times before you are at a macco paint job ( which is more permeant) cost thanks for posting a pic of your friends wagon that doesnt look bad at all and for those who wonder how much it wieghs after it dries your looking at less than 5lbs from what i seen
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    Chase wrote: »
    WHat do you mean by plasti dipped his tail light? lol Idk Im used the stuff and I would rather go for a new paintjob but if its the cheaper option than go for it! its not horrible but sometimes the smaller spots SUCK to get rubbed off.... ohh that sounded dirty.
    and plasti dipped taillights are typically just a black tint type dealy.
  • MyRevivalMyRevival Band Wagon
    Where do guys source the plasti dip? And ball park pricing/time to finish?
  • Atom D&DAtom D&D New Wagonist
    I Plastidipped my car after the bodywork was done. I will probably eventually give it a base/clear paint job, but for the winter and the price it's hard to beat Plastidip. I paid around $170 for three gallons of material and pre-dip cleaner (I'm pretty sure it was just water and alcohol) and I just borrowed a buddy's Wagner power sprayer. I recommend getting supplies from Just be sure to check on their from page for back ordered colors if you're in a hurry. Like was previously stated peel the tape while wet, or lightly score with a razor blade before peeling the tape.






    With my spoiler and some 'shopped wheels:


    It holds up pretty well. I pressure wash and scrub my car fairly regularly. The only places it's peeling is where my ass rubs on the front edge of the rear door when I get in/out, the sill plastic where my foot scuffs when I get in/out and around the lower radiator opening where I found out I needed to score the Plastidip before peeling the tape and had actually peeled the dip up around the edge on accident. It's really easy to do and if you screw up anywhere ( I got a run on the driver's door and the passenger fender cause I thought I needed to put it on heavier than you really do) you can just let it dry, peel it off and re spray. I actually only used two gallons of paint on my car. I haven't fixed any of the peeling cause I'm considering trying another color.

  • Atom D&DAtom D&D New Wagonist
    Also, it took me and a couple friends about four hours from wheels up to wheels down. It only needs to sit about an hour before you can take it outside (depending on weather).
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